The longer you wait…

This saying has been on my mind for weeks now and it is this, “Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.”   -Victor Kiam

Procrastination results in the LAW OF DIMINISHING INTENT, which says: “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will NEVER actually do it.”

Personally, I compare this to times I have gone shopping and looked at a beautiful blouse that I really wanted…BUT…if I didn’t purchase it at that moment and told the clerk that I would be back, guess what happened? I NEVER went back! 

We see it all the time as we photograph a toddler and then, the next time we see them, we don’t recognize them as a teenager.

After all, time goes forward, not backwards, and children grow and change at an alarming rate! 

According to John Maxwell, who popularized the Law of Diminishing Intent: “If we don’t make some move towards doing something within 48 hours, we’re very unlikely to do it at all.”

We don’t want you to miss out having pivotal portraits done at specific and important ages of your children.

So we are resetting our goal to keep in closer touch with you through our blog and emails as well as connect through Facebook and Instagram. 

And we have *simplified the process to book a portrait with us as you take the first step.

*We make it easy for you to quickly schedule portraits with us by putting items in our Store to purchase that include the Session Fee and deposit. FIRST STEP DONE! We will take it from there.

You never need to say, “I will wait until tomorrow when Walden’s is open.”

Our Store is open 24/7, so you can purchase anytime. 

P.S. Of course, you can also email us at OR text Tim at 859.221.2889. 


Capture Summer's Essence: Introducing Our Exciting Summer Sessions!


Ways to print your phone snaps and why you should.